Friday, April 17, 2009

Which is easier calorie counting or portion size

This is an age old question that nutritionists have discussed for years. This to me is a matter of which is easier. Alot of people like to know how many calories they injest each day. For lazier people like me I like to stick to controlling portion size and dividing my plate into sections.
Calorie counters know they must injest a certain amount of calories each day. When you live by portion sizes you learn that protein is the size of a deck of cards,pasta or rice is the size of a softball, and veggies on the plate take up the largest amount of room.
Protien means anything with a face that either runs or swims. If you are a vegatarian it means any type of beans, lowfat cheese, or soy products.
This question does not have a right or wrong answer. Calories or portion size the choice is yours.
On another topic I cant stress enough how important it is to stay hydrated during the day. especially first thing in the morning. Your body needs water after going all night without it. a good idea is to drink a large glass when you first get up and make sure you drink a least 8 glasses a day. This is very important for people trying to loose weight. Numerous times people think they are hungrey but actually their bodies are screaming to be hydrated.

Recipe of the Day
Fish Tacos
4 oz of your favorite fish ( I prefer Talapia)
saute red or green pepers
add sauted onions
large whole wheat tortilla shell
low fat cheese of your choice
heat in oven or microwave
add salsa and
Have a great day

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