Tuesday, January 24, 2012


     The definition of loss is missing something that is cherished. How does that pertain to weight loss? If we lose something we feel sad and it takes a while to get over that feeling. Everyone I know who wants to get in shape looks for the next great diet. Let’s look at this word for a moment. If you drop the T in Diet what do you have? Die, isn’t this what most people want to do when they are trying to get rid of those extra pounds. Why is something good we are trying to do have such a bad connotation?

  This brings me back to my point about weight loss. When you lose something you look long and hard to try and find it again. This means after struggling to lose say 50lbs over 6 months you wake up one day and say oh my god where did those 50lbs go. I must find them because a loss is not good. Where could it have gone? I know that 50lbs is in the pasta, cookies, white flour, cupcakes and candy and my old sedentary lifestyle. I want it all back to make me feel whole again.   

This is why I think we should call the process of weight reduction Weight Release, doesn’t this make sense? When we get rid of extra pounds we release that in the form of energy into the universe. We don’t want it back. We will not wake up in a month or two and say where did my flab go? We released it never to return. This can be accomplished with a flexible eating plan and workout to help tone and shape your body.

Now that I have peaked your interest let me tell you about our program. You can release on average 5lbs a week guaranteed by following my own weight release eating plan and participating in a workout program that will set your metabolism on fire.

 Join us for our next session a Princeton BootCamps. Got to www.PrincetonBootCamps.com and get these results that have help hundreds of client get the bodies they thought were out of reach

See you February 13th for our full Body Blast
Get they body and the energetic feeling you thought had eluded you


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