Interval training has always been my favorite way to burn calories and get in shape. This type of training eliminates the need for seperate cardio days. By doing interval training the heart rate gets raised enough to produce a cardio effect. This combined with resistance training gives you more bang for the buck than any other exercise program out there. You can burn more calories and get stronger faster than your standard strength training and steady state cardio combined. Interval training will give your metabolism a boost and help prevent metabolic syndrom better than any other form of exercise I know. Interval training is more productive and gets better results than most exercise programs perscribed by fitness trainers today. With the help of such interval programs as workout muse the success rate of your training will increase 10 fold. This type of training along with a 4-3-2-1 eating plan: 4 servings vegetables 3 servings protein 2 servings whole grains 1 serving good fat These 2 programs combined will give you the body you want and the fitness level you deserve faster than you thought possible. Remeber exercise is only 1 part of a good fitness program what you put in your mouth can be enjoyable and healthy at the same time. Give it a try. The video is the exercise portion, the nutrtion portion will follow.
Nutritional Info
Fat: 5.1g
Carbohydrates: 1.2g
Calories: 81.8
Protein: 5.4g
Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds top round or eye round London broil
For the Marinade:
2 tablespoons Olive Oil
3 tablespoons Cider vinegar
1/2 cup dry red wine
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano, or 1 tsp. dried
1 bay leaf
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper (optional)
In a small mixing bowl whisk together all the ingredients except the meat. Place the steak in a deep bowl; pour on the marinade, and turn once to coat both sides. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1/2 hour, preferably overnight.
Preheat the broiler or prepare a charcoal grill. Broil or grill the meat for about 5 minutes on each side, or until done to taste.
Cut meat into thin diagonal slices across the grain. Serve warm or cold.
Makes 8 servings, approximately 3 ounces each.
Number of Servings: 8
I got this free diet plan from which really helped. Before this I was only exercising and eating not so healthy.