Hey gang,
This is just a short post to show you how easy a good nutrition plan is to follow. My 4-3-2-1 concept is easy to follow and then on the weekends eat what you desire. Normal portions and your metabolism will wakeup and start speeding along
4-3-2-1 Rule
4 Servings a day of fruits and vegetables(Hint 8oz of V8 is 2 servings
3 Servings a day of protein (Meat,Poultry,fish,legumes etc)
2 Servings a day of whole grains (wheat pasta,whole wheat bread,etc)
1 Serving a day of extra fat or 1 drink.
Follow this way of eating and you will wonder where the pounds went. For help go online and look at glycemic index to help you make the best fruit and vegetable choices.
Tomorrow starts our next session. If you a returning Welcome back. If you a a newbee welcome aboard.
See you in the AM
Thanks! Very useful information