Monday, July 13, 2009


Hey Gang,
I hope all is well and you are enjoying your week off. I am sure you are giving your body the nurtients it needs to repair and rebuild. If you are joining us next week we will be at Nassau Tennis club. This new location will provide many more amenities to help you along on your fitness adventure. We will be starting in the parking lot weather permitting to become one with nature and to drink in the open air. An improvement over our last location. We will be implimenting cardio work everyday along with strength training so no matter if you come 5,4,or three days you will get an intense and motivating workout.
I cannot stress how important it is to follow the meal plan we have provided. Ask Ami Green how well it worked for her. She achieved great results all around. Your results will also skyrocket once you decide that you can eat clean 5 days a week. It can be done. Give it a shot.
We also will be using tennis courts to workout and a room that is being put together just for us with a great machine. I know I said I dont believe in using machines. This is not a machine persay but aparatous that will help with exercises that were alittle difficult before. So if you are joining us on July 20th you are in for a great experience. For those of you that are on the fence give it a try. You wont be sorry and as always if you follow the program and do not get results we will refund your money. What have you got to loose besides those unwanted pounds.

Healthy Nachoes

Pita Bread cut in triangles
Black Beans
cut up tomatoes
red pepper
low fat cheese

Heat pitas at 325 for 10 min
put in cassorole
add peppers,tomatoes,black beans and low fat cheddar
Heat until cheese melts

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