D.O.M.S is short for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. This usually occures 12 to 48 hours after vigorous exercise. This is different from the muscle fatigue you feel while exercising. D.O.M.S is caused when the muscle tears during intense workouts. This feeling of soreness is actually the muscle reapiring itself and getting stronger. People who are not used to instense workouts usually get this feeling of soreness as the muscle rebuilds. As you progress into more strenuous strength training this soreness deminishes and becomes a welcome arrival to show that progress was made in the workout. Some researchers believe that the soreness come from pain inducing substances released into the muscle.
The tearing or microtrauma in each muscle fiber can cause D.O.M.S. Research has indicated that structural abnormalities to miyofibril Z lines located within the sarcomere as well enzymatic changes associated with tissue damage support this belief. Persons who participate in eccentric movement to tone and build muscle experience this soreness. I hope this helps to understand the real and good reasons for muscles soreness.
On a lighter note we would like to welcome Ann Hewitt to our Bootcamp Family. She had an amazing first workout today . We see great progress for her that will mirror the progress made by all of our campers. You should all be proud
Just a note to the ladies in the 9:30 camp. I will be joining Lisa starting Monday and together we will train you to the best of your abilities and beyond. See You Monday
Recipe of the Day
Cumin grilled Chicken Breast
4 Chicken Breasts(5-6 ounces) pund to 1/2 inch thick
2 Tablespoons evoo ( Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
1 Teaspoon Ground cumin
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Pepper
Rub Breasts with evoo
mix cumin salt and pepper into breasts
grill about 4-5 min on each side
Remove from heat
Let rest for a few minutes
put over brown rice and mixed vegetables
29g protein,6g fat 360g sodium 350 calories
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