Sunday, December 6, 2015


If there is one thing for certain when it comes to fitness, it’s “You Can’t Out Train A Bad Diet”
No matter how many  body weight circuits you do, how many hours you spend on the treadmill or many miles you run.
If your diet sucks then you are NEVER going to get the results you are looking for.
And that was so apparent to me when I weighed 200-lbs of Male PMS (Puffy Muscle Syndrome).  I hit the gym 6 days a week, but my ate a ton of pasta and went out drinking every weekend and no matter how hard I trained my body never changed.
It wasn’t until I cleaned up my eating, stopped the weekend drinks and cut out the junk that my body rapidly went to 170lbs ripped in less than 5 months.
And after almost 20 years it’s been that way ever since. Remember  I talked about making nutrition a lifestyle?
Eating healthy to burn fat, while you build muscle is definitely not the complex rocket science a lot of people make it out to be.
a)   Veggies – put your main focus on veggies primarily green with all you meals but eat others as well.
b)   Protein – have a lean source of protein with all of your meals and vary them as much as possible. 
c)   Fruit – add some fruits in the morning – berries are great
d)   Fat – make sure you get healthy fats
e)   Starchy Carbs  - you need starchy carbs to fuel and recover from your metabolic HIIT workouts – Potatoes in all varieties, rice and gluten free oats are good choices BUT if you want to lose 20 or so lbs then skip the starchy carbs for a few weeks to get going
Start your focus on veggies. Like a mentioned above, I stick primarily with green but also throw in things like tomatoes and carrots to ensure I have a wide variety. Juicing helps to ensure I get lots of veggies.
Then add some lean protein. Chicken, fish, pork, certain kinds of red meat and egg whites.
Nobody needs more than 150 grams of
protein per day. In most cases 100-120 do the job.
I know that's hard to believe but just try it.
Fruit come next, like berries which I primarily eat in the mornings in my oatmeal,cottage cheese or Greek yogurt
Also make sure you're getting some healthy fats in.
Finally, you need some starchy carbs to fuel and recover from workouts. One of the most important meals of the day, if you are using my metabolic high intensity training is post workout.
Your body needs to replenish the glycogen stores lost during the workout and starchy carbs in your main ingredient.
Potatoes of all varieties, rice, and gluten free oats are all
good choices.
If you have more than 20 pounds of fat to lose you are going to perhaps skip the starchy carbs for just a couple of weeks to get
That’s it, simple and effective.  No crazy diet plan that has you starving yourself or yo yo up and down in weight.
Till Next Time
Stay Fit Stay Happy