Hey Gang!!
Fat loss isn't an event; it's a process--a process that requires
tender loving care in order to be successful and permanent.
Getting started can be overwhelming for some people, so here
are 10 tips to smooth out the bumps and curves in the journey
to a fitter, slimmer body.
1. Be consistent. This means focus on regularity and commitment,
rather than performance and deadlines. Every day, exercise. It
doesn't have to be the same thing every day. Just stick with structured
workouts and make time for them no matter what your schedule.
2. Be sneaky. Every chance you get, move as fast as you can. For example,
every time you need to go up the staircase, dash up as fast as possible;
it'll be over within seconds. Have to take out the garbage? Jog while
carrying the bags to the dumpster. Fast movement in tiny spurts sprinkled
throughout the day add up.
3. Realize that there is no built-in exercise program. One of the biggest
obstacles to successful fat loss is that of thinking that regular daily
activities replace structured workouts. With this kind of thinking, it
won't be long before you're not doing any real exercising because
you think that the vacuuming and dusting you did earlier count as
your aerobic session.
Exercise, like all important things in life, deserves its own unique time
slot, and that time slot stands, no matter how many household chores
you did that day.
4. Do both strength training and cardio. Ideally, these are on alternating
days. Strength training should focus on multi-joint movements rather than
isolation exercises. This means that a bench press is superior to a triceps
kickback, and that a leg press is superior to the inner thigh machine.
The best fat burning cardio comes in the form of high intensity interval training,
but even general interval training works better than slow, long duration aerobics.
This means that switching back and forth between a 5 mph jog for two minutes
and a 3 mph walk for one minute over 30 minutes is more effective than straight
jogging for 4 mph for the same length of time.
5. Stop comparing yourself to celebrities. If you had a $5 million movie deal riding
on your weight, you'd have no problem staying svelte. Movie stars are very highly
motivated to stay slender, and for all you know, they pack on the pounds after filming
is done and they disappear for months before their next project, giving them time to
diet back down.
Rather than saying, "I want to look like (fill in the blank)," say, "I want to be strong, swift
and lean." Make the affirmation, then go to work for it.
6. Create a home gym. No, this doesn't have to be expensive or tie up space. A few pairs
of dumbbells, a tension band, a stability ball, a chinning bar that you can fit in a door
frame and a 12-inch exercise stool are all you need. You'd be amazed at how many
routines you can do with these implements. When time is tight, you can get out these
implements and slip in sets.
7. Get emotional. If you're having trouble staying motivated, put away the diabetes and
heart disease pamphlets and instead take a good hard look at your children or grandkids.
How badly do you want to dance at their weddings, keep up with them on vacations, play
ball with them and have the energy to help them out in times of need?
Imagine your future in the golden years: Do you want to be making shopping trips to the drug
store for a new cane, or trips to the sporting goods store for a new tennis racket?
8. Limit processed foods. They trigger hunger.
9. Avoid diet drinks at all costs. They trigger hunger and contain unhealthy ingredients.
10. Eat a nourishing breakfast every day soon after awakening, or soon after working
out if you work out first thing in the morning.
These tips are a sensational start to successful fat loss, and there are so many more.
Give us a call today so we can share many more fat loss tips with you.
Want more help? Come schedule a consultation with me to figure out in detail how you
can succeed at your weight loss goals!
Check out our website for the start of Novembers session
Check out our website for the start of Novembers session
3 Choices available 6AM,9:30AM and 6:30PM