Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Everyone who goes on vacation worries they will fall of the exercise band wagon. This does not have to be the case. There are many things you can do in your hotel room. I mean exercise that will keep you fit and let the body know that it can exercise anywhere. Give this workout at try next time you are on vacation or you just need to get in a quick effective whole body workout

10 pushups (chest,arms )
10 body squats ( legs)
10 chair dips ( back of arms)
supermans 10 reps
Do one exercise after the other without rest
rest 2 min in between circuits
Complete 3 rounds
This full body workout will hit almost every muscle in your body
Give it a shot

Recipe of the Day

Quick Afternoon snack
Thomas's Pizza

1 thomas's multigrain muffin
1 slice or shredded lowfat cheese ( any variety)
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
heat in toaster oven at 350 until done.
great afternoon snack for adult or kids

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hey Gang,
Today I am going to talk about the reasons for getting in shape. Most people who get in shape do so to look better. This is a good thing. There are many side effects to getting in shape.
The first is that when you reduce body fat one of the first things to happen is that there is a reduction in blood pressure. This is helpful especially if you are on blood pressure medicine. After following a workout routine usually for at least 6 months and after. Most people can see their doctor and see if they can stop taking this medication. The less medicine we our in our bodies the better off we will be as we age.
Another great side effect to a consistant workout routine is the lowering of bad cholesterol in the blood. By dropping this level less people will be prone to heart attack or other malidies of the heart. This will help to get you off medicines like lipitor and other cholesteral medications. Being able to stop taking these 2 medications alone will benefit your quality of life and save you money to boot. Your heart rate will come down. Your basil metebalic rate will go up. You will burn more calories than you ever thought possible by adding just 10lbs of muscle. All this can be done by following an exercise routine that taxes the body and tones and shapes your muscles
while repairing the years of neglect to your insides. You just need to take that first step like you all have. Hopefully we can spread the word and make fitness a part of everyones life in New Jersey. By the way Summer is here I bet that bathing suit you had last year is too big. Treat yourself and buy a smaller size.

Recipe of the Day
Garbanzo Bean Salad
2 cans Garbonzo Beans
1 cup whole wheat pasta
1 large carrot
1 small onion
1 small red pepper
1 small green pepper
2 cloves garlic
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

While pasta is cooking mix other ingredients in a large bowl
add pasta mix and enjoy

Monday, June 22, 2009


When we talk about physical fitness we are refering to the 5 important factors of total fitness. The first is Cardiorespratory fitness. This is the bodies abilityto utilize oxygen. This function assists in energy production. The second is Muscular Strength. This is the bodies ability to enlist a group of muscles to perform a great amount of external resistance. The next is Flexbility. This is the ability of any joint in the body to perform a full range of motion. As we age our bodies become less flexible and that can hinder our quality of life. It is important to stretch each muscle group after a workout to get the full range of motion required to perform an action. This next component is where most people have a major problem. Body composition is the break down of body mass into two components. Lean Mass verse Fat Mass. This is how your body fat percentage is calculated. The more Lean Body Mass you carry the better your overall health. Diabetes is usually caused by obesity along with other ailments. The more lean body mass you carry the more calories you burn. Just 10 extra pounds of muscle which is a very small amount can burn up to an extra 500 calories while sitting on the couch.
The last part of total fitness is Muscular Endurance. This is the bodies ability to use a group of muscles in a repetitive basis in a sub maximal load.
When all these elements are at their peak of performance the humane body is in the healthest state for longevity. A superior athelete has all these componenets working like a well oiled machine to achieve peak performance and maximal health.


Spanish Talapia

1 pound fresh talapia
2-garlic cloves
1 large tomato chopped
1 medium onion
1 sprig fresh cilantro
dash of oregano
dash of chili powder
2-table spoons olive oil
1/3 cup sangria or any red wine
Mix all ingredients
put fish in aluminuim foil poor ingredients over fish
Close foil
Throw on grill
cook about 4 min per side
makes 4-5 servings

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hey Gang,
It looks like this new protocol workout muse is a success. This timed interval training keeps you moving,keeps that heart rate up and will burn loads of calories. By doing working different body part in succession without rest give your metabolism the boost it needs to load the logs on that furnace. This program is taken from the Japanese Tabata. We have modified it a bit to work well with the america physical structure. You will get toned and shapley muscles faster and more effectively with this type of training. I have been the first single person in this area to test workout muse on myself. I like the results I have gotten and I am sure you will to. You will see that your oxygen uptake will become more efficient very quickly. You will drop inches faster and feel more energetic while on this program. The concept of mixing up different exercises 3 days a week will give you a well formed stronger more energy consious body than you ever thought possible.
Here's looking foward to great success. In three weeks you will see the results and be amazed.
I hope all of you are keeping your food journals. This will be a great part of your continued success. Please be cognisant of you food choices. Using the food program will help. New campers check your email I will send you a login and password from Medicorp Map.Please go through the tutorial before using the program. By using this meal program success will come faster.

Recipe of the day
Baked egg omlett
12 eggs
1 red pepper
1green pepper
1 small package of mushrooms
2 cloves garlic
1 small onion
mix ingredients into a backing pan
cook at 350 until done
cut sections for each meal
You should get atleast 3 breakfasts out of this
Depending on the portions.

This is a great source of Protein,Fiber, Minerals

Monday, June 15, 2009


We would like to welcome back our returning campers. Also we welcome our first timers who have decided to get healthy and fit the right way. It took alot for you to make this commitment to your fitness adventure. We are sure it will be a successful and enjoyable trip. This month starts with a new workout that is sure to get you metalbolism up a running. We hope todays experience is just the first of many on your way to fitness success.
We would also like to remind you that it is very helpful to keep a food journal to see what you are really eating. I know that it can be a pain to do but it will help you figure out the real calories that you are consuming.
I must congradulate each one of you today . You all made it through this new workout with flying colors. Keep up the good work. Some of you that did not join us this month are missing out on a great new way to quickly get in the best shape of your life. Quaranteed!! We hope to see you again Soon.
This goes out to Irma. We hope that everything is ok and you will be back with us soon. Let us know. We miss You.
One last thing before I go Please make sure if at anytime there is something you would like done differently, please let us know. We may be your fitness guides but we are always trying to improve.

Recipe of the Day
Fast and easy Breakfast

One cup light yogurt.
1 Handful pumkin seeds or wheat germ for those who cant have seeds
some fresh fruit any kind
1 stick of string cheese

This fast breakfast will give you the right mix of protien and carbs to get you going the right way

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Hey Gang,
Hope you all are enjoying your week off from Bootcamp. It is the time the body gets to rejuvinate and build and tone the muscles. Everyone really gave it their all in May and we hope to see the same in June.
For those of you who dont know I have no life. I spend my time away from bootcamp thinking of new and exciting ways to get people healthy and fit.
June 15th will be the start of a new fitness adventure. I have devised a new fitness protocal the should send your metabolism soring to new heights. I have developed a whole new group of exercises that will bring more fun and excitement to June's Camp. Also I am sure that alot of you would like to workout to different music this month. Well I have come to possess a new type of workout routine with completely original music that will blow you away. The music should arrive by the middle of the fist week. I am sure you will all be pleased.
New exercises ,New music, new excitement and new faces should bring this next camp a cut above anything that is out there.
Remember there is a big discount waiting for you when you bring a friend or 2. If you can recommend just 5 friend your camp is free. Enough of the sales talk.

We will be holding our Free nutrition seminar on Sunday June 14th at 5PM at the Princeton Blackbelt Academy. cant wait to see you all. I hope those returning campers have been using the nutrtion plan provided. If you need help let us know.

Welcome to our first time campers. You have made the decision to get healthy and fit. We congradulate you. Your Fitness Adventure starts Sunday at 5pm See you there.

See you all Next Week

Recipe for the week

Relax let those muscles heal and tone

Friday, June 5, 2009


Well gang today concluded our May 2009 Camp. Everyone of you should be very proud of the progress you have made. This shows how working with like minded people can help you toward the results you desire. This group motivation with the right instuctions are the tools you need on the road to fitness success. Lisa and I are here to guide you in the right direction. It is you guys that have put in the effort and have gained the rewards.
As you proceed on your fitness journey sometimes there are roadblocks. You have all crashed through those blocks with the ultimate determination. Take a second and pat yourselves on the back for proceeding on the road to health and fitness.
Lisa V your strength has improved along with your stamina koodoes. Dielka you have gone from I dont think I can to let me push for more. Gia you are my hero you have made great strides and I see greater success in your future. Laura we can see changes in your features and in your added strength. Susan V your core strength had doubled in the last few weeks. Great job. Mary D you have progressed past where we thought you would be at this point. Marie what can we say you are an animal. Keep it up. Susan H You are a maniac in the push up department. Anne you just keep pushing more power to you. Jenifer you have come a long way There is a great improvement in the strength department. Peggy you have turned into the energizer bunny. Your stamina had doubled. Mary K your strength and confidence is awarded an A+. Mary Jo Your core strength has risen to new hights. Bonnie. Your overall gains are incredible most notibly your stamina. Hedy for never exercising before you tore it up. Maria went from thats to hard, to I can do more. A side note Irma here's hoping for a speedy recovery in the calf dept. We are thinking of you.

Recipe of the Day
Relax on you week off.
If you are not returning in June keep up with the fitness regiment. We are here when you need us.
See you all on the 15

Monday, June 1, 2009


The easiest way to regain a fast metabolism is to eat. Sounds rediculous but true. By eating 4 or 5 or even 6 small meals a day you can set your body furnace on fire. The body can be trained to burn those calories. When your body is fed 5 or 6 times a day a little switch goes off that says we are getting more fuel in 2 hours we must burn what we have to make room for incoming fuel. You may ask yourself what is the right fuel to stoke the bodies furnace. You have the answer at your fingertips. Everyone was sent a login and password to medicorpmap. It is a great tool to help you decide what to eat and how much. This is not a diet program but a way to change your lifestyle when it comes to food. There are thousands of choices and no one will ever go hungry. Use this program and you will not only see inches dissapear but also the pounds. While all of you are building and toning. Food intake contributes 70% to your success. The tools are there for you to use. Give them a try. You will be pleased with the results. Make sure you watch the tutorial before you start.

Recipe for the Day

Grilled chicken with a kick

1lb Boneless chicken Breast
Teriyaki marinade
1 pepper
1 large tomato
1/4 cup red wine
Marinade chicken in teriyaki sauce and red wine
Fire up the grill
cut up onions peppers and tomatoe and garlic
Wrap each breast in aluminum foil adding in peppers,onions, garlic and tomato
sprinkle on a small amount of cumin and oregano.

cook about 6 min on each side
pure the rest of the bottle of wine into 4 glasses and enjoy