Monday, June 15, 2009


We would like to welcome back our returning campers. Also we welcome our first timers who have decided to get healthy and fit the right way. It took alot for you to make this commitment to your fitness adventure. We are sure it will be a successful and enjoyable trip. This month starts with a new workout that is sure to get you metalbolism up a running. We hope todays experience is just the first of many on your way to fitness success.
We would also like to remind you that it is very helpful to keep a food journal to see what you are really eating. I know that it can be a pain to do but it will help you figure out the real calories that you are consuming.
I must congradulate each one of you today . You all made it through this new workout with flying colors. Keep up the good work. Some of you that did not join us this month are missing out on a great new way to quickly get in the best shape of your life. Quaranteed!! We hope to see you again Soon.
This goes out to Irma. We hope that everything is ok and you will be back with us soon. Let us know. We miss You.
One last thing before I go Please make sure if at anytime there is something you would like done differently, please let us know. We may be your fitness guides but we are always trying to improve.

Recipe of the Day
Fast and easy Breakfast

One cup light yogurt.
1 Handful pumkin seeds or wheat germ for those who cant have seeds
some fresh fruit any kind
1 stick of string cheese

This fast breakfast will give you the right mix of protien and carbs to get you going the right way

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