Monday, May 18, 2009


As we get older our functional fitness declines. This is not something that we have to just deal with it is not a symptom of aging. It is a a lack of activity and can now be seen in people of all ages. Not just the middle aged. We can rectify this situation and lead much happier energetic lives.

Just as people believe that metabolism slows as we age. This is not true. Our metabolism can be as fast as we want it to be at any age. All it takes is the right exercise and nutrition to make this happen. Just as a decline in functional fitness can be prevented with the right exercises.

I am not talking about execises for bodybuilders,but, for people who want the grocery bags to be lighter or to able to work in yard without being bed ridden for 2 days afterwards. This can be achieved by doing the exercises we do in bootcamp everyday. Being functionally fit means that your train the muscles you use in everday life. This can mean picking up the kids or carrying bags of topsoil. or reaching and lifting things around the house. Functional Fitness will carry you into your later years with the energy and vitality that will enhance your quality of life.

Just a short note to welcome Mary to our 5:30 camp and Laura to our 6:30 camp. You both gave great effort today and should be proud.

Recipe of the Day

A Body Slimming Breakfast

Yogurt Crunch

6 oz plain yogurt

4 walnut haves

3Tbl spns All Bran

1/4 cup granola

3/4 cup cubed melon

350 calories that pack a punch for breakfast

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