Friday, July 15, 2011



I think you'll find this new research study very interesting and
extremely useful.

It covers the foods and activities that made people GAIN weight.
Plus, the study even gave a few foods that were shown to help you
LOSE weight as well.

The other great thing is that when you combine avoiding certain
weight gain foods (and activities) and eating more of the weight
loss foods, as well as adding a metabolic exercise component (not
aerobic cardio) to your life then you'll really see some serious
fat loss results!

So now let's go over the foods (and activities) that caused the
most weight gain in this study:

*Potato chips (1.69 lb)
*Potatoes (1.28 lb)
*Sugar-sweetened beverages (1.00 lb)
*Unprocessed red meats (0.95 lb)
*Processed meats (0.93 lb)
*Alcohol use (0.41 lb per drink per day)
*Smoking (new quitters, 5.17 lb; former smokers, 0.14 lb)
*Sleep (more weight gain with <6 or >8 hours of sleep)
*Television watching (0.31 lb per hour per day)

*The # of lbs. in parenthesis refers to the average weight GAIN
over the study

(New England Journal of Medicine 2011; 364:2392-2404)

Keep in mind that when you see an item like potato chips I think
it's safe to assume any fried 'chip' is going to cause the same
unwanted weight gain effect. Use this method for excluding other
similar items to the ones listed above.

Now here are the foods (and activities) that actually directly
contributed to weight loss:

*Vegetables (-0.22 lb)
*Whole grains (-0.37 lb)
*Fruits (-0.49 lb)
*Nuts (-0.57 lb)
*Yogurt (-0.82 lb)
*Physical activity (-1.76 lb)

*The # of lbs. in parenthesis refers to the average weight LOSS
over the study

(New England Journal of Medicine 2011; 364:2392-2404)

It's amazing to see the statistics when everything is spelled right
out for us. This study clearly shows a 2-5 lb. swing when you
choose healthy weight loss foods and activities over their
weight-gaining counterparts.

As always I hope you picked up some useful tips from this article
that you can begin applying to your healthy lifestyle right away.

Stay fit,Stay happy
Dave Knapp NCSF-MCPT

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